
This page contains the documents of the most recent COMET proceedings such as meetings, reports, news, and presentations.

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Name Date Summary Download
Consortium on Insulation life in Emerging Environments (COIL) 9/21/2020 Consortium on Insulation life in Emerging Environments (COIL) - Document announces the insulation research project and its goals. It discusses technical information and affiliated organizations that make the research possible. Link
Prysmian Presentation 10/20/2020 An informational presentation about Prysmian Group. Link
COMET Year 1 - Report 1 9/21/2020 Report 1: Stress, design and perspective for the insulation of rotating machines controlled by power electronics, in then view of increasing voltage rating and power density. Login
Consortium on Insulation life in Emerging Environments (COIL) 9/21/2020 Consortium on Insulation life in Emerging Environments (COIL) - Document announces the insulation research project and its goals. It discusses technical information and affiliated organizations that make the research possible. Login
Curtiss testing facility for COMET 9/21/2020  PDF Pamphlet detailing the Curtiss-Wright testing facility Login
COMET Kick-Off and meeting 9/21/2020 PowerPoint introduction to COMET Consortium Login
COMET Year 1 - Report 2 9/30/2020 Report 2: Insulation Design for Electrical Asset Component under Power Electronics Voltage Supply - Testing insulation tapes for motor wires and cable: results, material selection and design perspectives Login
COMET October 2020 Meeting 9/30/2020  October 2020 update of the "COMET Kick-Off and Meeting" Powerpoint with October report and news Login
Solid Dielectrics and Electrical Breakdown (Insulation Basics) 10/27/2020 An updated introductory lecture to Electrical Insulating Materials. Login
Asset Management Technology and Diagnostics of Electrical Asset Components 11/5/2020 [Updated 11/5/2020] A lecture on "Asset Management Technology and Diagnostics of Electrical Asset Components" for the purpose of training. Login
Condition Assessment of Electrical Apparatus: A Building Block for Asset Management 11/5/2020 [Updated 11/21/2020] A lecture covering "Condition Assessment of Electrical Apparatus: A Building Block for Asset Management" for training purposes. Focuses on detecting condition and aging, specifically within electronics. Login
Partial Discharge Physics, Phenomenlogy and Testing in Insulation Systems (Insulation Advanced Lecture) 11/18/2020 An in-depth lecture on partial discharge: what it is, why it occurs, and how to test for it. Login
A Smart Approach to Condition Based Maintenance of Renewable Energy Assets 12/5/2020 A presentation addressing the issue of Partial Discharge in wind farm generators and electrical components Login
Electrified Transportation and Insulation 1/11/2021

Full title: "Partial Discharge Measurement and Condition Monitoring in Power-Electronics Controlled Rotating Machines: Issues and Solutions in Advanced Electrified Transport and Aerospace Applications"

A powerpoint discussing the aging of electrical components (such as insulation) in electric vehicles. The document goes into detail on certain factors that contribute to aging, such as Partial Discharge, Space Charge, and more.

COMET Year 2 - Report 1 2/10/2021 Report 1: Insulation Design for Rotating Machines Fed from Converters - Electric field distribution inside stator slots for different conditions and Partial Discharge Inception Voltage Login
COMET March 2021 Meeting 3/11/2021 The March 2021 overview of COMET proceedings, including news and recent developments. Login
COMET Year 2 - Report 2 8/25/2021 Year 2 Report 2: Measuring Partial Discharges under Power Electronics Waveforms: from Slow to Ultra-fast Voltage Impulse Risetime. Login
Partial Discharge Seminar - Gian Carlo Montanari (OUTDATED) 8/25/2021 An introduction to the concept of Partial Discharge: when it occurs, where it occurs, and why it occurs. Login
Partial Discharge Seminar (Part 1) - Gian Carlo Montanari 11/4/2021 An updated document: An introduction to the concept of Partial Discharge: when it occurs, where it occurs, and why it occurs. Login
COMET November 2021 Meeting 11/4/2021 The presentation file provided at the November 2021 meeting Login
COMET August 2022 Meeting 8/20/2022 The presentation file provided at the August 2022 meeting Login
COMET Year 3 - Report 1 (Part 1) 8/20/2022 Report 1: Measuring Partial Discharges under Power Electronics Waveforms: from Slow to Ultra-fast Voltage Impulse Risetime. This document covers the frequency domain approach to measuring PD, demonstrating how it is ineffective at measuring fast risetime voltages. Login
COMET Year 4 - Report 1 4/3/2023 Report 1: Measuring Partial Discharges under Power Electronics

Waveforms: from Slow to Ultra-fast Voltage Impulse Risetime:

How to achieve automatic and unsupervised on-line PD

monitoring. This Document covers the use of automated methods of measuring Partial discharge in Power Electronics